Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wrestling Empire 2009


the other day during an activity related to Memorial Day, I spend something special. Out of nowhere appears a group of girls and boys engaged / os to the prevention of diseases sexually transmitted diseases (STDs ) . Los / as which gave all present in the Municipal Amphitheatre, a flyer with a condom.

to here anything strange, or rather if, because that condom was delivered men, young boys and adults. And then ask me why NO women who were present?

And hundreds of questions I came on Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health . "Only man can take care of sexually transmitted diseases? What women do? In how many hospitals should refuse access to the condom by women? How many times have we heard that the condom is only method that protects you from AIDS and other diseases? What then? What women do?

sexual and reproductive rights are human rights. When we speak of the right to a dignified life, when we speak of the right to physical and mental integrity, when it comes to privacy and right to privacy when it comes to non-discrimination, we talk about human rights and sexual rights are crossed and reproductive rights. For belonging to the system for protecting human rights, sexual rights and reproductive characteristics have also of this system of protection.

I think the young people had a good intention , but they forgot that both women and men have the same conditions to provide any method of contraception, including condoms .


National Sexual Health and Responsible Parenthood (National Law 25,673 )

National Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Law 26,150 )

Provincial Programme of Reproductive Health and Sexuality Humana ( Act 3450)


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