Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2nd Anniversary Letters


strikes me deeply, the story outlined on Sunday January 31 on page 38 of the Venezuelan newspaper Ultimas News entitled: "DRAMA IN HAITI" SUSPENDED MEDICAL EVACUATION FLIGHTS TO FLORIDA GEORGIA. The same information on page 1-15 of the journal International Venezuela, El Universal entitled "SUSPENDING EVACUATION OF HAITIAN UNITED STATES" I must clarify that this criticism is not directed toward pre appointed two print media. If not that rather the criticism is aimed in particular the attitude of the U.S. State. Turns out the evacuation of wounded from the earthquake Haitians to land of Uncle Sam, were suspended because they had no clear "in hospitals gringos" who would be responsible for ocacionados costs for patients treated ... ie who pays the bills for treatment ... to more than 500 victims of the recent earthquake occurred in Haiti, which have been seen in Florida and Georgia states of the United States. Capital definitely has no feelings, no heart has sensibility, not a humanist, not a Christian. It is this kind of attitude by the U.S. State, which should lead to reflection. The charity is the difference between petty Neoliberal Capital, and a system founded on social justice and equity. But there are now cuaquier number of U.S. soldiers in Haitian soil caring what?. Perhaps waiting for the moment to begin rebuilding the infrastructure, so if you intereza the gringos and that it brings dollars to the contractors.